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LTD “Fraiteg” has a great positive experience in the development of both conventional and large cloud cross-platform client-server software.
Supported operating systems: Windows, Linux, MacOS, Android, iOS, SmartTV.
Supported devices: any computer and mobile devices, TVs, could be considered the possibility of writing programs for other devices.
To develop a software means to build it simply by its description. This is a very good reason to consider software development activity as an engineering. On a more general level, the relationship between a software and its environment is clear because the software is introduced in the world so as to provoke certain effects on it.
Those parts of the world that will affect the software and be affected by it will be the application domain. This is where users or customers will see if the software development has fulfilled its purpose.
One of the biggest shortcomings in the practice of software construction is the little attention that is given to the discussion of the problem. In general the developers focus on the solution leaving the problem unexplored. The problem to be solved must be deduced from its solution.
This solution-oriented approach can work in fields where all problems are well known, classified and investigated, where innovation is seen in the detection of new solutions to old problems.
But software development is not a field with such characteristics. The versatility of computers and their rapid evolution means that there is a repertoire of problems that are constantly changing and whose software solution is of great importance.
Software Development
When you develop a software involved many people as it is the client who is the one who has the problem in your company and want it to be solved, for this there is the system analyst who is in charge of getting all the requirements and Needs that the client has to the programmers who are the people in charge of carrying out the coding and design of the system and then testing it and installing it to the client. This is how several people intervene as a single person could not determine all the necessary as sure as you need some requirement or some part of the new system and the more are involved better to cover all the requirements of system.
The software development process is shown graphically at the top, then a brief explanation of it will be developed.
The first step of the process is the analysis, this is where the analyst gets in touch with the company to see how this conformed, which is dedicated, know all the activities it does in itself, know the company in a general way to later see what their needs Needs or requirements that the company has at that time in order to perform an analysis of it.
It is important to know what are the requirements that the company has because many times the systems are developed but not thinking about the client and that is where the system does not meet or does not meet the needs that exist in the company, according to the requirements Start to make the relational diagram all must have a logical sequence of activities, all this is done manually to see how it will be its logical design and screen design is in this step where it is plasma everything and is perfectly defined as It’s going to do the system functionality.
The second step is the design here enter the whole system design ie the screens, database, all this must comply with certain standards which are taken into account to develop the design with quality and thus be able to offer a friendly design in cues Tión, button sizes, text boxes, etc.
The third step is the coding is here where you develop all the system code by the programmer this is done and depending on each programmer and that each programmer has its bases or ways to do it but if they must all reach the same goal of Provide functionality to the system as long as it adheres to the customer’s specifications.
The fourth step is the evidence, is where the system is tested as its word says so you can know what are the possible errors that are being generated from the system and thereby improve it to eliminate all errors that can be presented by a program co No less mistakes higher quality can get to have.
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